Digital platform that connects healthcare providers and patients

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A collaboration of networks, communities, and healthcare systems, cognitive intelligence, and insights function collectively 

Hospital visits have become difficult due to the present pandemic scenario; instant communication has become a challenge, thus bridging the gap between medical professionals and patients during consultation and treatment is required to streamline.  

Increasing the involvement of all the participants within the medical and health fraternity has also become important. 

47Billion has developed a secure, personalized, and simplified digital platform that connects doctors and patients for one of our clients who brought the idea of a healthcare networking platform.  

 The purpose was to exchange information, and easy consultation and treatment. The platform works effectively when the collaboration of networks, communities, and healthcare systems, cognitive intelligence, and insights function collectively.   

 Impact – 

  • It helped in streamlining standardized protocols to maintain patient record privacy as per geographical locations. 
  • A large number of physicians were able to connect through this platform. 
  • The app helped in bringing efficiency to the system; with the help of EHR, as now the healthcare services can be modified as per patient conditions faster. 

Download your copy to read the details of this success story

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