Life @47Billion

Life at 47Billion
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At 47Billion, we know that success means different things to different people. Some consider it to being mentally and physically fit others measure it by climbing the leadership ladder, or some others by striking the perfect work-life balance or being financially strong. But no matter how you are defining success, collaboration is the biggest part of your life here. We flourish in an environment that encourages open and free expression of ideas. You can find creative thinkers all around from many different backgrounds who collaborate to make the world a better place and improve the lives of people.

Become anything you want 

We have sports enthusiasts, photographers, writers, painters, sculptors, and creative people. They all are technology enthusiasts. The people get opportunities to grow in whichever field they want to and learn new things every day.

Strengthen your Values

Our culture is driven by our core values. The six simple principles over which we create our base. These principles give us our purpose and help us achieve our goals. 

Be ethical

Sincere with ‘can do’ attitude

Be humble & respectful to everyone

Constantly learning

Accountable, and value family

Think and build with bold new ideas

Innovation cannot be restricted to developing top-notch solutions- it’s about creating technologies that open up new possibilities. For this a working environment is required that promotes free thinking, bold ideas, and collaboration. We strive to promote such an environment with

Learning Sessions

We conduct these sessions every alternate Thursday where someone amongst us gives a presentation on a topic of their interest. These sessions create an interactive environment where a lot of new thoughts are exchanged.

UX Lab Experiments

Specially designed for user experience & design experts. It is a place where all the vigorous discussions take place. It has become a special place for design sprint sessions.


We conduct activities such as “Understanding Personas”. This activity was all about understanding our people. Knowing their interests, denials, distress, feeling, and understanding towards their work that is whether they are happy or not with what they are doing in the company. Such activities help us to get acquainted with the personas of our people.


Have you ever heard that a corporate company has organized a Treasure Hunt across the city for introducing its core values to the employees?  At 47Billion we organize such events that boost the creativity and innovation in our people.

Apart from these, we have always given priority to our Indian Culture and style. We have celebrations for all the festivals at our office. Whether it is Ganpati, Diwali, or Independence Day.

Inspiring Projects

47Billionaires have always taken life-changing projects. Everything from a pixel-perfect interface design or a consistent website, from some big data problems to major visualization graphs, from IoT to artificial intelligence and machine learning. The projects undertaken at 47Billion have always added value to the functioning of existing systems.


All work no play is not our style. Here you can find the most happening atmosphere. Life here is balanced. We believe that time limits are not for work. Dedication to work is more important. Thus we have flexible working schedules, opportunities to work from home, time off for volunteering and most importantly sports activities.  

You would have never seen music flowing in the office during working hours but you can see this in our office. No other company gives such benefits to its people. At 47Billion you can find happy faces all around. There is positive energy flowing in the environment where you can work without stress and comfortably. 

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