ESG in Business Excellence: Pioneering a New Era of Corporate Leadership 

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations are ingrained in every aspect of the business's operations. A robust ESG strategy undoubtedly adds value.  ESG's interconnected nature is evident; for instance, social aspects often…

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Joining Forces for Innovation: 47Billion Sparks Collaboration at Japan IT Week 2024 

As Japan IT Week 2024 concluded on 26th April, 47Billion reflects on a dynamic three-day showcase of cutting-edge technology, collaborative innovation, and visionary insights. From showcasing products to diving into…

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6 Key Practices: ESG Integration in Manufacturing Supply Chains for Competitive Edge

Today, integrating ESG(Environmental, Social, and Governance) in Manufacturing Supply chain strategies emerges as a roadmap for sustainable growth, resilience, and competitive edge. Studies indicate that companies with robust ESG frameworks…

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From Compliance to Competitive Edge: Integrating ESG in Manufacturing  

Securing a competitive edge requires action now, as upstarts are challenging the old guard at every stage. In this evolving scenario, survival requires prioritization of necessary ESG(Environmental, Social, and Governance)…

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